What Is 9 Months Pregnant In Weeks? Full Pregnancy Calendar

Since you are here, it’s obvious that you want to know what to expect when you're expecting. The notion could be dreadful, especially for the first-timers. But don’t worry. We have divided our comprehensive but detailed pregnancy calendar that will help you in guiding in the right direction. It will tell you what changes are taking place in your baby- and in you.

The First Month (0-4th Week)

This is the Since you are here, it’s obvious that you want to know what to expect when you're expecting. The notion could be dreadful, especially for the first-timers. But don’t worry. We have divided our comprehensive but detailed pregnancy calendar that will help you in guiding in the right direction. It will tell you what changes are taking place in your baby- and in you.

start of an exciting and blessed journey. It commences at the start of your last period and lasts about four weeks.

  • Baby’s life starts this month, i-e, about two weeks from the commencement of your last period, conception takes place inside your uterus.
  • There will be more than 36 weeks (8 months, 12 days) until the birth when the month ends.
  • The fetus (your baby) will be 2 weeks old at the end of this month.
  • He/she will be the size of a pinhead.

Pro Tip: Refrain from taking any medicine without consulting a health professional during your pregnancy. Tell them about your condition so they can prescribe a medicine that is safe for both you and your baby.

The Second Month (5th-8th Week)

This starts after the beginning of your last period and it will last four weeks.

  • 32 more weeks to birth (7 months, 14 days) at the end of this month.
  • The fetus will be six weeks old at the end of this month.
  • At the end of the second month, the baby will be 1.5 cm in length.
  • The fetus will start to develop limbs.
  • In this month, the umbilical cord, the nervous system, spine, heart, nose, eyelids, and ears begin to develop.

Pro Tip: Tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking can seriously hamper the development of your baby. They can also have adverse effects on your lungs.

The Third Month (9th-12th Week)

The third pregnancy month starts 8 weeks (2 months) after the beginning of your last period.

  • Until birth, there will be 28 weeks (6 months, 16 days) at the end of the third month.
  • The baby will be 6 weeks old at the start of this month and will be 10 weeks old at its end.
  • The fetus will weigh around 20 grams and will be 9 cm long at the end of the third month.
  • For the first time, the baby’s heart will beat. (Already excited?)
  • The fetus will get the nourishment through the umbilical cord and will float in a sack of amniotic fluids.

Pro Tip: Mother’s health and wellbeing are very important to the child. Plenty of exercises and a healthy diet will be beneficial for both mother and child.

Read more about Pregnancy


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