Vocabulary List To Compare Genealogy with Ancestry and Family History
When you start any new project, there are bound to be terms you just don’t understand or that you use in the wrong context. Words can have a different meaning from one region to another and keeping it all straight can be a challenge. Some words can have many meanings, while other words can be very specific. Related: Top 24 Best Gifts for Genealogists But don’t worry, no one will put you in front of a firing squad if you get mixed up. I still, all these years later, find myself interchanging the terms genealogy, ancestry and family history and often use them to mean the same thing. What is the difference between genealogy and ancestry? When you are thinking over your genealogy or talking to someone else about it, you want to be as clear as possible. Having the correct words can make a world of difference in the answer you receive. The difference between genealogy and ancestry may not be a lot in your thinking, but to someone else it can be a big difference. You want to keep t...