CrossFit Beginner-Friendly Workout


When a first-time CrossFitter walks into your box, they may be intimidated by the sport's tough reputation. You can can use these 15 basic CrossFit Wods to ease their way into this ultra-fit lifestyle:" New CrossFitters don't have to dive right into advanced WODs when they're just starting. In fact, they probably shouldn't. Instead, get them revved up with these 15 energizing CrossFit WODs for beginners.


1. 10 to 1 Countdown WOD

Do 10 each of kettlebell swings at a moderate weight, followed by 10 dumbbell thrusters (hold a light dumbbell in front of your chest with both hands; squat with dumbbell in place, then stand straight while raising the dumbbell overhead.) Then do 9 of each, then 8, and so on, down to 1 of each.

2. Simple Burpee Workout

Do as many burpees as you can in eight minutes.

3. Body Weight WOD

Perform 3 rounds of 10 of the following with as much intensity as you can:

  • air squats
  • Sit-ups
  • Push-ups
  • ring rows
  • burpees

4. Squats, Pull-ups, Presses and a Run

Do 3 rounds of the following as rapidly as possible: 12 front squats with a barbell, 10 pull-ups and 8 push presses. Finish up with a quarter-mile run.

5. The Running Sandwich

Do a quarter-mile run followed by 40 air squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 burpees and 10 pull-ups. Finish with another quarter-mile run.

6. Jumps and Lunges

Do 5 fast rounds of the following: 15 lunges each leg with a moderate-weight barbell, 60 jumps with a jump rope.

7. Push, Pull, Run

Do 5 rounds of the following: 10 push-ups and 10 pull-ups. Finish with a half-mile run.

8. Burpee Box Jumps

Set your timer for 8 minutes, then do as many rounds as you can of: 8 burpee box jumps (perform a standard burpee, then jump up on a box; jump down) and 16 kettlebell swings.

9. 21,15 and 9

Do 21 each of deadlifts and burpees, followed by 15 of each, then 9 of each.

10. Squat Routine

Start to squat with a barbell, but hold the down position for two minutes (or as long as you can). Next, do 3 rounds of 10 burpees, 15 sit-ups and 20 air squats.

11. Tabata Push-Ups and Lunges

“Tabata” means to perform a move for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat.) Set a clock for 8 minutes and do Tabata alternating push-ups and lunges.

12. 10 for 10

Set a timer for 10 minutes and do as many rounds as possible of the following: 10 kettlebell swings, 10 box jumps (jump up onto a 12 to 20 inch tall box or step), 10 ring dips.

13. Dumbbells and Jump Ropes

Do each for 3 minutes straight, resting 1 minute between: jumping rope, weighted sit-ups, weighted lunges and dumbbell thrusters.

14. Rope, Sumos and Wall Balls

Do 75 to 100 turns of the jump rope, then countdown with sets of 10, 9, 8, etc. down to 1 of the following:

  • Wall balls - do squats with a medicine ball about arm's length from a wall. Bounce the ball off the wall at around 10 feet above you after the squat, then catch the ball
  • Sumo deadlift high pulls - With feet wider than shoulder-width, squat, push hips back, and grab a fairly heavy barbell using a narrow grip; stand and pull bar up to collarbone, elbows above bar. Return bar to ground

Finish up with 75 to 100 more jump rope turns.

Read more about the recommended workout of the day


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